We went to a beach (Alaska has as much coastline as most of the rest of the US combined, and much of that is in SE.) and played on our next to last day there. It was a good time as you'll see in some photos below.
This is the second family photo we have since arriving in AK. Brenda was marveling over that because she could not remember the last time we had taken a family photo.
Kids love the ocean!
On a different day, we went over to a friend's house on another island and had a good old fashioned bonfire and roasted marshmallows. What you can't see in this photo is how wet I am. It had just rained about as hard as rain can be. I was never in the boy scouts, but I can start a fire in the rain.
The Beaver clan house.
The best marshmallow sticks are made from Alder branches!
It has been a whirlwind so far, and I have been having a difficult time getting posts on this blog. Either I have a bad connection, or no desire to stop the adventure to post on a blog. I hope to get more posted in the weeks to come!
Up next, Boise, Teton, Yellowstone, Devil's Tower, and BIKERS!!!
Looking forward to Sturgis photos.
Glad you are having fun. Sorry we missed you while you were in town.
Love your pics! And, along with Brian, I wish that we could have been able to see you when you were in town.
So what have you been up to for the past week? What lies East of our fair state? (I've only been to Idaho once or twice.) Has your house buyer's paper work all gone through?
For the love.
Give us an update already.
I would like to echo Rachel's sentiments. Although, Angie was much more polite about it...
i am not gifted in polite or patience. nor have i ever claimed to be. so there.
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